

This is the last day of the year. I'm thankful for 2011 because I've gotten tons of blessings that I didn't even know I deserved. So, Thank You God. I wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for YOU. Through YOU, I was able to start pursuing my dreams, I now understand a whole lot since 2011 came, and I've received a lot more than I asked for. I am now out of words. Without further ado, I welcome you 2012!




"Just rest for a moment. It's OK. Yes, things are crazy, yes, the world is going nuts. Yet, deep underneath the stormy waves, there, in the core of your being, there is pure silence, pure love. And ... it's ... just ... OK."


PPUR: A Wonder of Nature

Last night, 11.11.11, at 11:11 PM, the voting for the New 7 Wonders ended. I can say that I VOTED not just because I'm from Puerto but  because I think and I know it deserves to be crowned as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

PPUR to 2861

new7wonders.com Sample Certificate

They began counting a year's worth of votes and at about 12:00 midnight Philippine time, the top 14 finalists were announced.

Top 14 finalists

I am happy to say that the Underground River is one of the top 14 finalists. At about 3:00 AM, they finally released the provisional results of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

Provisional New 7 Wonders of Nature

Now, filled with utter joy, I can tell you that the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is truly a wonder of nature mostly because it is part of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Even though there is still a chance that by the end of this year, the results might change, I am still confident that PPUR will still be part of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.




The Underground River is indeed a beautiful place. Carved out by Mother Nature herself, this UNESCO World Heritage site still stands and is still in wonderful shape. With all it can offer and all the glory it can bring, what more can we, Palaweños, ask for? Now that it will surely attract a lot more tourists these coming years, I only hope that we can maintain its natural environment and not destroy it.

I can say that I'm a proud Palaweño and a proud Filipino.

If you want to learn more about this Wonder of Nature, visit http://www.youtube.com/.... and http://www.youtube.com/....



It's exactly 11.11.11 11:11.

Make a wish people. This happens only twice every century.

Who Are You?

I only have one question for today and its "Who the hell is KIMPOY FELICIANO?!?!?!?" I mean, who is this guy???? Everybody knows him, everybody talks about him at some point, and he thinks he's superman. No offense dude, I mean you no harm. :) He even has livestream. I tried watching it and in fact, the tab is still open that is why i hear "Torete" in the background. What is the point of this livestream anyways?!?!?! Oh, and a lot of people keep tweeting "I love you kimpoy!!". Just so you know, I'm not angry with him. What I really want to know is 'kung bakit siya pinagkakaguluhan'. Even Vince is tweeting about him. Haha. Oh well.

Livestream (Look at the tweets)

Livestream on full screen
At least I discovered #DoTheButterfly. :) Trending now in Twitter Philippines.

2nd Trending Topic. 11.11.11. (10:12 PM) 


I Detest Sembreak

Since last, last Friday, October 28, I've been in a nothing to do spree. This is because of the semestral break. The entire time, I did nothing and I even thought, for a few days, that I was wasting my time. Now, as it turns out, I realize I did waste my time. Just this hour, I remembered that I still had tons of stuff to do. Was I in a trance the entire break?!?!?! What's worse is that they're all writing assignments. I forgot that I still have to do my reaction for my Project in AP for 3 damn news. Also, I have to write a blasted reaction about Skyxplore which is supposed to have a minimum of 500 words! There's also something I have to do in my Filipino subject. Oh and don't tell anybody but I haven't done any of the articles assigned to me. Busted. And so, I have to finish all of these by tonight. I am going to experience shit tonight. This is what I call Cramming Overload. And to think I still have time to write about it in a blog. Stupid me. Oh well. I really have to get going. So help me God.

P.S. I detest sembreak because I forget my responsibilities not that it's actually the sembreak's fault.


Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park

The voting for the new 7 wonders of nature is almost up. People, you only have approximately 4 days left to vote so Vote Now. I do recommend you to vote for the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park or the Puerto Princesa Underground River because it deserves to be one of the new 7 wonders of nature. One of many reasons is the 'Sirenia'. To learn more about it and also to find out the other reasons why you should vote for the underground river, click this link: Underground River. To those of you who are residing in the Philippines, just text PPUR and send to 2861. See, it's easy. To those of you living on the planet Earth, just go to new7wonders.com and vote!


I miss blogging

It's been months since I last posted a blog. Oh blog, you seem like a thing of the past. No worries though, I'm going to go blogging again. Since my last blog, a lot has happened in my life and sadly, I was not able to post them. So, my next posts will be about things that happened weeks ago so I probably won't be able to talk about them with the same zeal I would have had if I posted them when they actually happened. It's a good thing I took pictures. Atleast I'll be able to remember those events. I will find time to blog. That's a promise. :)

I bid you Adieu.


New Room. New Section. New Adviser. New Policy. Same Awesome Classmates.

June 6th was the first day of class. Senior year at last which means 1 more year until graduation. Holy crap. I just realized I'm going to be in college next year. Wow. If ever I pass UP, I'm going to be living independently. Goodbye good life...... :) Anyways, I'm a senior now so it's another year in high school. What's new? I have a new room which was, until recently, IV Sapphire. It's situated at the left when you're walking from the guardhouse. It's the first room there. When you're walking from the other side or from the PAC, it's situated at the right and it's the last room there. You'll definitely notice it because it has   windows on 3 sides of the walls. You can visit if you like. You'll surely be welcome there. :) Although I doubt that the guard will let you through the gate. Oh well. :) I also have a new section which is IV KAPATIRAN! They changed the section names so that students will learn to apply the meaning of each of their sections to themselves. Mine means brotherhood.


About the New Adviser. I have a new adviser named Sir Phabe Tabucalde. Many fear him because he's very frank about things and he never tolerates anyone's foolishness. Although, once you get to know him, he isn't half-bad. He's actually funny and I actually understand Physics when he teaches it.

Sir Phabe

About the New Policy. The New Policy is to have an ID at all times. Well, it's not actually new but it was just implemented this year for reasons I don't know of. I have an ID but it the guard didn't check  it last year. This year, they're a little more strict. You'd think that with all these changes my classmates would also change too. Well, you're very wrong about that. The Science Class Pioneers and I have been together for 3 years going on 4. We never tire of each other and we always hang out. Even though there are petty fights within the section sometimes, we still make it a goal so that everyone is in good terms with each other. I think when we graduate, we'll be the most emotional because we would all never forget those years that we stuck together.

If you ask me if I'm bored with all of them, I'm not. I'm lucky because I'm with my same awesome classmates.

Our classroom

The list of the students in IV Kapatiran (my classmates)



The Late Blog with Me, The Bored Being

When I say late, I mean late as in did not happen today but a few day ago or rather, a week ago and I'm just posting it now. :) Here's a catch up of what happened to me last Wednesday, March 30 and Thursday, March 31 (not that anyone cares :P).

Wednesday: Without A Camera                                                                                          

Happy Birthday Jean! It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's you're freaking birthday! Hoorah! Seriously, Happy Birthday Jean!!!!! 

What happened today was fun! We went to Mitra's Ranch to celebrate Jean's Birthday. Well, of course, I was late even though Jean woke me up at home. Before I went there, I went to school and waited for the others who were coming to the Ranch too. After a while, we went there. (It's pretty dizzy--what I'm writing--isn't it?) It was supposed to be a party of 25 but then the others couldn't come so there were only about 14 (more or less I think) of us there. Even though the only thing we ate were pancit, chips, and tons of ice cream which was melted, it was great. Although, we couldn't treat Jean to a delightful zipline ride because unfortunately, it costs about 500 pesos and we were out of money. If only it was cheap..... Oh well. We still had fun despite these few problems. The day would have been perfect if we had a camera. That was the only REAL PROBLEM we had with this celebration. I mean come on! No pictures?!?! Damn. Only a few photos were taken by those who had cameras which was already low on battery charge that's why we did not have a lot of pictures. We had so many ideas for a video shoot there but there was no stupid camera. What a bummer. Still, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!!!

Thursday: Graduation Bust

I was supposed to bring jalousies at school today to replace those that we broke and then watch the 4th years' graduation but when I was buying the jalousies, the saleslady told me that it wouldn't be done for another 30 minutes. Oh crap. I was thinking in my head (duh) that if I wait for the jalousies to finish, I might not be able to watch the graduation. So, I took a risk and decided to just go to school and not wait for the jalousies. Of course, I would pick them up from the glass store the next day. And so, my initial purpose of going to school was dismissed. I was just going to watch the graduation so that I could get grad pics. When I got there, I thought it was finished but it turns out that it just started. Stupid decision making. :P
I just watched the graduation and apparently, when it was done, it was already nightfall. Bloody hell. I'm gonna be grounded. So I went home as fast as I could. In the end, I kind of got grounded but they soon forgot about it. Oh yeah! Score one for me! :D

That is all. (bow)
Kidding. (w/ the bow thing)


P.S. I'm not trying to be Italian or anything but I like saying Ciao. :)




Shockingly Catastrophic

Doom. Doom set upon me as I heard the news. The news that she was out, never to be saved and never to come back on that stage again. Doom set upon my soul when I heard Ryan Seacrest say 'Paul, you are safe'. Why? Why did it have to be Thia (and Naima)? Out of all the contestants, why her? Even though she played it safe, it still isn't enough to vote her out. It's very heart wrenching to see her go and know that I will never see her perform solo on the Idol stage ever again. Oh man. I have no reason to watch Idol anymore. But I was soooo looking forward to saying 'Vote 1866 IDOL 0_ / 1866 4365 70_' ( for self purposes only plus it's really fun to say). Oh well. I will definitely miss watching Thia on Idol but I know there are a lot more opportunities out there up for grabs for her. GOOD LUCK THIA!

(pictures courtesy of Thia Megia on Facebook and Google)

Note: This was supposed to have been posted on Friday but due to my reasons, I just posted it now. :)




Cool o_O

This. Is. Awesome! I can actually blog using a cellphone! How cool is that? Although, it is a bit tiring because i'm texting my blog. :)

I have so much to blog about but due to the fact that i'm using a cellphone, i can't exceed the limitations that i can normally do when using the computer. Still, i'm happy. :)

Again. This. Is. Awesome!




The Heat Wave Parade and The Annoying Helper

The Heat Wave Parade

The title is a bit exaggerated I must say. In truth, it's just a lousy band parade where we did nothing. Well, the woodwinds and the brass section did nothing. I think it was because of the fact that there were only 7 of us woodwinds and brass. It was a parade with only the percussion section playing. I'm telling you it was deafening. It was better off that way since we didn't need to play anything and bring our instruments. The only disadvantage of that was the heat. The truck where we were sitting did not have any cover and so we were exposed to the scorching sun. With today's climate, sunlight is never healthy. For about two hours, we were lying under the sun taking in the unbearable heat. Our skins were burning (not literally). Even the balloons we were holding could not take the heat. The balloons shrank until there was no air left inside because the heat made a hole on it. Besides the heat, there was also a bit of embarrassment. It was embarrassing because we weren't doing anything and it was a parade wherein of course everyone or a lot of people saw us. The only thing we got from this 'joyride' around the city was bottles of warm water. Hey, I'm not complaining because it's better than nothing.

The Annoying Helper

She is sooooo annoying. Everytime I do something, she's there waiting in  one side. Oh gosh.(to her) I mean what the hell man??? Don't you have something else to do??? Why do you have to watch everything I do??? She keeps pestering me and bugging me when I have to do something and I'm not doing it right away. (to her) I'm not deaf you know! I just don't want to do it right now! Go the fuck away! One day she'll go away. >:) Ugh. (to her) You really get on my NERVES asshole.

I guess that's it. 


Hopefully everything goes right tomorrow. :)




Observations and Opinions

Its Monday. Holy Crap! I'm late for school! Oh. Wait. There is no school.

This was what I was saying but what I was thinking was:

WTF? I'm not supposed to wake up this early and why the hell are we supposed to paint those chairs! That is not my job!

You'd think that I was pissed off but I wasn't. I was just really annoyed. I went to school and painted those damn chairs (I HATE PAINT) and ate outside afterwards. You know when people have nothing to do or get bored, they say all kinds of stuff. So here's what I have to say:

The smell of Jollibee's chicken makes me want to throw up.

I have a reason for this. I have been eating at Jollibee for the last couple of days and it honestly isn't a good way to go. My taste buds are sick and tired of fast-food that's why i want to throw up.

I despise the sight of donuts.

I ate a lot of donuts last night and I honestly can't take it anymore. I think I'm not going to eat a donut for atleast a month.

I hate deceiving (false) advertistments. 

I'm talking about this pearl shake drink that I bought. Sure it looked delicious in the tarpaulin but it sure ain't. It tasted funny and the pearls did not taste like pearls. I wasted my money by buying that. I'm not falling for that again.

I don't want to eat anything fried.

I seriously don't want to die of heart attack. If I watch how my food is cooked, I think I'm not going to eat it. How much oil do people need to cook a single patty?

I noticed that all that I wrote about had some sort of association with food. XD 

Well, that's all folks!


Note to reader: This is what you get from reading tales of a bored being. Worthless stuff. :P
