
The Late Blog with Me, The Bored Being

When I say late, I mean late as in did not happen today but a few day ago or rather, a week ago and I'm just posting it now. :) Here's a catch up of what happened to me last Wednesday, March 30 and Thursday, March 31 (not that anyone cares :P).

Wednesday: Without A Camera                                                                                          

Happy Birthday Jean! It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's you're freaking birthday! Hoorah! Seriously, Happy Birthday Jean!!!!! 

What happened today was fun! We went to Mitra's Ranch to celebrate Jean's Birthday. Well, of course, I was late even though Jean woke me up at home. Before I went there, I went to school and waited for the others who were coming to the Ranch too. After a while, we went there. (It's pretty dizzy--what I'm writing--isn't it?) It was supposed to be a party of 25 but then the others couldn't come so there were only about 14 (more or less I think) of us there. Even though the only thing we ate were pancit, chips, and tons of ice cream which was melted, it was great. Although, we couldn't treat Jean to a delightful zipline ride because unfortunately, it costs about 500 pesos and we were out of money. If only it was cheap..... Oh well. We still had fun despite these few problems. The day would have been perfect if we had a camera. That was the only REAL PROBLEM we had with this celebration. I mean come on! No pictures?!?! Damn. Only a few photos were taken by those who had cameras which was already low on battery charge that's why we did not have a lot of pictures. We had so many ideas for a video shoot there but there was no stupid camera. What a bummer. Still, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!!!

Thursday: Graduation Bust

I was supposed to bring jalousies at school today to replace those that we broke and then watch the 4th years' graduation but when I was buying the jalousies, the saleslady told me that it wouldn't be done for another 30 minutes. Oh crap. I was thinking in my head (duh) that if I wait for the jalousies to finish, I might not be able to watch the graduation. So, I took a risk and decided to just go to school and not wait for the jalousies. Of course, I would pick them up from the glass store the next day. And so, my initial purpose of going to school was dismissed. I was just going to watch the graduation so that I could get grad pics. When I got there, I thought it was finished but it turns out that it just started. Stupid decision making. :P
I just watched the graduation and apparently, when it was done, it was already nightfall. Bloody hell. I'm gonna be grounded. So I went home as fast as I could. In the end, I kind of got grounded but they soon forgot about it. Oh yeah! Score one for me! :D

That is all. (bow)
Kidding. (w/ the bow thing)


P.S. I'm not trying to be Italian or anything but I like saying Ciao. :)



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